● London Stock Exchange rating the company as green economic power ●

● The PPS share represents a sustainable future-oriented cleantech investment ●

Puchheim near Munich, December 7, 2020 – Hydrogen, renewable energies, biotechnology and environmentally friendly propulsion systems – the entire spectrum of exciting and innovative trends is covered by the “AIM” (Alternative Investment Market) segment of the London stock exchange. The share code “PPS” (WKN: A0LC22 / ISIN: GB00B140Y116) of the Newcastle upon Tyne-based group “Proton Motor Power Systems plc” (www.protonpowersystems.com) with its CEO Dr. Faiz Nahab has been traded on the AIM since 2006. The current market value is around GBP 480 million in comparison to GBP 154 million at the beginning of 2020. The London Stock Exchange has awarded Proton Motor with the “Green Economy Mark” award. This award, which was created in 2019, recognises Proton Motor as one of currently only 86 corporations quoted on the London stock exchange with a total capitalisation of GBP 67 billion, which are generating over 50 percent of their revenue from climate-neutral or low-CO2 goods, products and services.

”We are highly delighted that Proton Motor’s significant lead in hydrogen fuel cell technology has been acknowledged in this way by the Stock Exchange. The absolutely green PPS share represents an attractive and future-oriented investment opportunity, as the group’s turnover is currently derived 100 percent from the supply of green energy with a view to contributing to the decarbonisation of our planet.“, as commented by CEO Dr. Faiz Nahab, who manages also the German operating subsidiary “Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH” (ww.proton-motor.de), on receiving these positive news from London.

In the past decade the entrepreneurial Nahab family, which is effectively the majority owner of Proton Motor Power Systems has invested more than EUR 80 million in the innovative, and to an extent, already patented, development of its hydrogen fuel cell technology. As Proton Motor´s operating subsidiary has been stringently complying with all recommended protective measures against COVID-19, the business has only been minimally affected by the pandemic situation. Against this background the PPS share price still could peak at GBP 0.81p (approx. EUR 0.90) in the summer of 2020, after commencing the year at GBP 0.23p (approx. EUR 0.25), before slipping with the global trend brought about by the second Corona wave in the autumn to a current share price of GBP 0.66p (approx. EUR 0.73) with upward potential. Due to the visionary foresight and experience of the majority shareholder, the financing strategy has permitted for the continuity and focus to push its hydrogen technology to maturity as the platform for sustainable cleantech development in terms of energy transition and the achievement of climate goals through emission-free hydrogen fuel cell solutions.

About Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH (www.proton-motor.de)

For more than 20 years, Proton Motor has been Germany`s expert in climate-neutral energy generation with cleantech innovations and in this field, it has specialised in emission-free hydrogen fuel cells developed and manufactured in-house. The corporate focus is on stationary applications such as emergency power for critical infrastructures and mobile solutions such as back-to-base applications. In addition, the customised or standard hybrid systems are used in the automotive, maritime and rail sectors. The new automated series production plant was put into operation in September 2019.

In addition to CO2-neutral fuel cell solutions, the internationally active technology market leader from Bavaria also offers battery-powered uninterruptible power supply (UPS) via its “SPower” product line. The company, which currently employs 100 people under the CEO management of Dr Faiz Nahab, is a wholly owned operating subsidiary of “Proton Motor Power Systems plc”, based in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Since October 2006, the parent company’s “green energy” share has been listed on the London Stock Exchange with simultaneous trading in Frankfurt/Main (ticker symbol: “PPS” / WKN: A0LC22 / ISIN: GB00B140Y116).

Board of Directors Proton Motor Power Systems PLC:

Dr. Faiz Nahab, CEO

Helmut Gierse, Chairman

Sebastian Goldner, CTO/COO

Roman Kotlarzewski, CFO

Manfred Limbrunner, Director Sales & Marketing

Point of contact at Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH

Roman Kotlarzewski / Group Finance Director


+49 / 89 / 127 62 65-81

Ariane Günther / Head of Public Relations


+49 / 89 / 127 62 65-96