The concrete and rapid conversion of commercial vehicles to emission-free hydrogen fuel cell technology is the goal of the new co-operation between Lauer & Weiss GmbH ( and Proton Motor. The Stuttgart-based engineering service provider Lauer & Weiss and Proton Motor as fuel cell system supplier from the Munich area have now officially signed their mutual agreement by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). For future order realizations, Lauer & Weiss will use proton Motor's hydrogen fuel cells as a system integrator for customer projects.

Caption: "Customers often find it difficult to size the right fuel cell system depending on battery performance and in line with the overall vehicle concept", explains Proton Motor Sales Manager Matteo Schmid - here with Lauer & Weiss Managing Director Dipl.-Ing. Jochen Lauer (r.)_(c) Proton Motor