Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH prepares for the hydrogen fuel cell market ramp-up. Invest in Bavaria – The Business Promotion Agency of the State of Bavaria – spoke to Sebastian Goldner (pictured_(c) Proton Motor), CTO & COO of Proton Motor Fuel Cell and Board Member of the stock listed holding headquartered in England Proton Motor Power Systems plc.
In March 2023, the official handover of the keys to Proton Motor’s new second company location took place by Sebastian Goldner and Michael Rothkopf (Aventos Management GmbH).
Topics of the Invest in Bavaria interview are: What exactly does Proton Motor Fuel Cell do and what is the company`s USP in this field? What role does Bavaria play in the development of the business? How has its growth been influenced by this? How is sustainability integrated into the business model?
Statement by Sebastian Goldner on the EU’s PFAS ban
In addition, Sebastian Goldner, as a board member of the “Fuel Cells” working group in the German Mechanical and Plant Engineering Industry Association, made a current statement in a position paper on the EU’s goal of banning 10,000 chemical substances in one fell swoop. It is called for the general ban on PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances) to be stopped in order to analyse the substances and recycling processes in a differentiated manner. Areas in the fuel cell where PFAS must be banned on the basis of these analyses should be granted a transitional period of at least 15 years.”
On-air YouTube Executive Board Talk with Manfred Limbrunner
The chairman of the German Hydrogen Fuel Cell Association, Werner Diwald, had invited Proton Motor Fuel Cell Management Board Member and also Board Member of the UK parent company Proton Motor Power Systems Manfred Limbrunner to the on-air YouTube Executive Board Talk about hydrogen fuel cells for automotive, maritime and stationary systems. Why are hydrogen applications so important for the energy and mobility of the future and why are hydrogen fuel cells so elementary?