Stationary energy and heat supply for the future - H2 expert Proton Motor is as long-standing partner of at its booth (no. B6.470 L ) of this year's ees – electrical energy storage in Munich from 6 to 8 October.

The leading trade fair for energy storage systems and batteries focuses on hydrogen as a catalyst for a climate-neutral and internationally competitive Europe, for which the European Union's hydrogen strategy intends to invest at least 470 billion euros over the next three decades.

Caption: New mobile and environmentally friendly energy trailer: The Proton Motor fuel cell module “PM S8” is integrated into a transportable solution of UMSTRO GmbH that was presented by our colleague Anne Duval (Sales Stationary Fuel Cell & UPS Applications) to the public last week and about which we will report in a timely manner._(c) UMSTRO graphic