2022 was a successful year for Proton Motor. The high-tech company is proud to have been featured several times on the front covers of leading international special interest magazines - such as "The Hydrogen Standard" (pictures) - as well as to have received important awards for its innovative fuel cell products "Made in Germany". In 2023, the hydrogen key player from Bavaria will continue to work on a sustainable green future – for the prosperity of society in an environment worth living in!
Here is an overview of the 2022 awards and nominations:
- The Proton Motor system HyRange® won the Hessian State Prize for Energy 2022 in the category "Mobility".
- Proton Motor was honoured with the Top Service Award by the "German Institute for Sustainability and Digitalisation" as part of the initiative "Employers of the Future" on the occasion of the "Digital X 2022" world fair.
- The HyRange® system was awarded with Top-3-Nomination at German Renewables Award 2022 as product innovation of the year.
- The "German Institute for Service Quality" and "German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalisation" came to the conclusion by evaluating the Thought Leader Study in Business 2022 that Proton Motor is among the best.
- Proton Motors HyShip® system was honoured as winning solution in the innovation challenge "Climate-friendly and low-emission government boats for the Danube".