After the almost complete stop of Russian natural gas supplies, Germany is dependent on other suppliers. Currently, one third of Germany's demand comes from Norway. At the same time, hydrogen is the beacon of hope for the climate-friendly transformation of the economy, for which imports from the Scandinavian country are also a prerequisite. For this reason, the German Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck agreed a strategic energy partnership with Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Störe at the beginning of the year. A key point is the construction of a hydrogen pipeline between the countries by 2030.

Bavarian-Norwegian Hydrogen Forum with Proton Motor participation
The Bavarian-Norwegian Hydrogen Forum networking event, to which Proton Motor Director Governmental Affairs & Communication Manfred Limbrunner was invited along with 50 other H2 players in January, highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of B2B co-operations in the hydrogen economy. In the context of bilateral exchanges for possible business projects, there is also the signal that there is still a long way to go until the end of the decade.

Efforts must therefore be made earlier to promote smaller „green“ power plants based on the renewables resources solar and wind. Politicans are called upon to support the implementation of decentralised energy supply solutions through the related technologies electrolysis, energy storage systems and hydrogen fuel cells. For 25 years, Proton Motor has been offering emission-free hydrogen fuel cell products with its Hy-brand portfolio, which generate energy self-sufficiency in the stationary sector, for example for residential and commercial estates.

Caption: Bavaria`s Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger (center) together with the international guests of the "Bavarian-Norwegian Hydrogen Forum" in the State Chancellery district of Munich._(c) StMWi